Friday, December 16, 2011

THRIVE ~ Finding Grace Within Change

How do we Thrive in the ever changing shift in consciousness? In this new energy of the shift, the only constant seems to be change. My life has been spent doing this funny dance with change. In the past, I found I would put up with what was unacceptable until the pain of the situation was greater than the pain of the unknown and the fear of change was the less of two evils. Then change was done kicking and screaming. I would find myself saying things like, "I don't do change gracefully, and I let it go with claw marks in it," and even though I was joking, kind of, I knew that was how it really felt. But when I was on the other side of the change, I would realize that it was always the best thing that ever happened to me. I found myself saying things like, "why didn't I do this sooner? How could I have stayed for so long? Didn't I see how it really was?" and a litany of feelings similar.

So what is the energy of change that we fear so much? could it have something to do with not trusting? Who is it that we are afraid to trust? And most of all, what can I do to release that and step into the change of the new Earth in Grace and ease?

The answers to these questions and the additional questions that came from the answers, all revolve around the lack of trust that we have within our own lives. We have been taught that we need to go outside ourselves to find our answers, our rightful place in the world, what we have to do to be successful in society. This searching for acceptance keep us looking for it outside of ourselves. The consequences of this training is that we have been set up to be judged by others. To judge others as we have been judged. We have become a society that is being policed by one another and controlled to conform for the benefit of the few. This "training" has us so screwed up. Why? So we don't learn to trust our own innate wisdom. We don't know how to validate ourselves. We stay in the energy of fear and we live dis-empowered lives. Afraid to be our authentic selves, looking for permission from someone else who has our best interest.

We are now waking up...

Of course change is scary. Who is going to tell us what to do and how to do it. We fit in before even as uncomfortable as it was, and now what?

Tonight's teleconference (check out the archives Dec 12, 2011) brought us into the awareness that we are living in an illusionary game. A bit about the concepts and underlining agreements that keep us, by default, in this game (which alleviates the blame and guilt trips), and most of all the hope of how to step out of the game.

We are becoming conscious. It is about change. It is about becoming our authentic selves. It is about learning how to discern what is best for US each and every moment, and it is about learning how to change even though you are still being judged and policed by others. It may sound easy but it has core issues all over it.

Stepping out and speaking your truth, coming out of the metaphysical closet and becoming the person you know you are on earth to be is a big change. A great teacher many years ago tried to show us the way. He was ostracized, persecuted, tortured, and publicly put to death. Then we are subconsciously reminded of this every time we go to a church. See what happens when you step out and try to be your fully empowered, connected and authentic self? Just look up and see this great teacher hanging dead on the cross. So do you think we have a lot to change? I do.

All of us have lived many, many lives playing this game, we have carried a lot of baggage with us to this point as though it was a merit badge. It's now time to radically shift. To change in a dynamic way. To release as many agreements as we can. To transmute as much Karma as possible, And to claim our place in this world just because we chose to be here. Because we intuitively know we are individual sparks of the creator. We are important and we do belong. We also have a deep knowing that it's our own responsibility to become the change we want in our lives. The good news is, that we are not alone. We can reach out to each other for help when we need it without shame, blame or fear of judgment.

It is my desire to help as many people as I can complete in this lifetime as much as they can. I have been guided to facilitate a karma clearing meditation where I will guide you as we approach the Karmic Board and asking for the release of all Karma. The Solstice is upon us. This is the time of year that the karmic board meets in Telos. It is the perfect time to a come together and ask for all our karma to be released. The way I see it, we are asking for our lives to change and in a dramatic way. That in and of itself will become the biggest life changing event of the year. This is my gift to humanity and I freely welcome any and all who wish to join me for this event. It will be held Monday evening 12/19/11 at 9 pm EDT via teleconference. So invite your friends and family and join me Monday evening and lets all clear the path so we can step into the change we are asking for.  Lets gracefully embrace life in freedom and joy and Thrive.

to register for this teleconference go to!__free-teleconference-info