Thursday, June 12, 2014

Full Moon and Friday the 13th! Can we use this powerful day to assist us in our spiritual growth?

This Month the full moon will be landing on Friday the 13th.  Are you superstitious? Are you curious? Are you afraid? Or maybe  your afraid of something other people have 'experienced' on this day?  As a social race of human beings, we are naturally empathetic. We all tend to take on other peoples experiences and blend them into our awareness and then actually feel them as our own. It's a simple thing that we all do without being consciously aware of it. But what are the sub conscious affects and how does that affect our lives now?

Do you remember how  the Law of Attraction works? It is simple: Ask and it is Given. We don't ask with words, we ask with our vibration. Our vibration is the feelings that we feel in relation to what we are thinking. so lets make this easy, if you are thinking that Friday the 13th will be a 'bad day', do you think the law of attraction will assist you in having a' bad day'? Or do you think the law of attraction will assist you in having a good day? You tell me what you think.

If you know me at all,  you will know that I am all about CHOOSING your thoughts. So take a moment and scan your consciousness to find the BS (belief system) that no longer fits and simply choose to let it go. Lets take this opportunity to release the 'stuck' superstition energy that we have been holding, examine it, maybe for the first time consciously,  and make a new agreement within our selves. Choose to be scared , realize its others beliefs, choose to be doesn't matter what you choose, It just matters that you are consciously making a choice what YOU wish to believe.

CONGRAGULATION! You are beginning to change your life! How easy it can be..

Just think, Friday the 13th can look like this: (fear based)
or it can look like this (love, or whatever YOU choose):
This is the beginning of Living The Life You Desire. We Understand how it works, then choose...
Enjoy this beautiful Full moon and this wonderful Friday the 13th. After all it is FRIDAY, have a great weekend.
Simple fact:  It's pretty rare for these two events to fall on the same day. The last time it happened was October 13, 2000. The next time will be August 13, 2049.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Developing your clairvoiance? How do the X Class solar Flairs assist?

X-FLARE:  The magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2017 erupted yesterday, March 29th, producing an impulsive X1-class solar flare.  Ionizing radiation from the flare produced electrical currents in Earth's upper atmosphere and a ripple in Earth's magnetic field detected by magnetometers across the dayside of our planet.  Read more about this rare "magnetic crochet" and the possibility of more X-flares this weekend on today's edition of

Spaceweather is a great source to know when these energies are reflecting onto the earth. So why is it helpful to know about it? Put it this way, when I see that there is solar activity of this strength, I know to hold onto my butt an that we are in for an emotional ride. The energy that is being brought into the earths atmosphere is coded and raises the vibrational frequency of the earth. I can get really deep into this field to help you understand scientifically about the electromagnetic fields ( and for those who know me, I can)  but I would rather just leave it as, it simply shakes loose 'who we are not'. The real challenge is that we have to become 'WHO WE ARE' and that is difficult. After all, if we knew how to do it, we would be doing it already, and we wouldn't be  affected by the higher vibrating energies coming onto the planet. We would just stay happy.

So how does this affect our walking around space? Simply put,  is that we are being called to speak our truth, to live our truth and be honest with our self first and foremost. So why don't we?  in order to do that we need to hear our own truth or own inner voice. You know the littlest one that we know we should have listened to. How many times do you get to the other side of a situation that you just felt wasn't right and told yourself "I should have followed my feelings", or "I knew better, I should have listened to my self". This is called intuition, some call it clairvoyance , or clear hearing. 

Keep tuned to more blogs as I love to talk about how to use energy tools to raise our vibration in the flow of Mother Earth's influx of energy. It brings such ease in the evolution of humanity individually and collectively.

In- Joy your week.



What does this powerful energy Mean? Join Me tonight for a  special Meditation . Lets clear 'who we are not' and allow 'Who We Really Are' to surface!Excerpts
Will be blessed with a total Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are celestial alignments that bathe the Earth and all  
her Life in frequencies of Light that greatly amplify whatever we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories. As long as we are focusing on what we want to create in our lives, and not the things we do not want, Eclipses are wonderful opportunities for growth and transformation. This Eclipse will be an exceptionally powerful time to release and let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good, and it will provide us with an amazing opportunity to empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies, and all of our hopes, dreams, visions, and heart desires.
 Jody Robinson-Medlin

Transformational Life Coach/Teacher/Alchemist  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Venus is at inferior conjunction

Venus is at inferior conjunction

On Jan. 11th, Venus is at inferior conjunction. That means it is passing almost directly between Earth and the sun. With its nightside facing Earth (almost perfectly), Venus looks like an incredibly slender crescent.( from

So what does that mean? How does the planets alignment affect our emotional energy field? I have always understood my birth or sun sign. For me it is Leo. I followed the daily horoscope as I was growing up and was always amazed at how close it was. Then I started questioning if it was reading it that made it happen so I started reading my horoscope the day after to 'find the truth'.  It was all in fun then but now that I understand more about creation and how the cosmos affects our energy field, I am drawn to be able to use it.

I will be looking into this and discussing it tonight on my free teleconference. If anyone wants to add to this and give me their intuitive hit or experience of how this is affecting them, I would love to hear it.