Monday, November 4, 2013

Are You Ready To Connect With Your Higher Self?

Are You Ready To Connect With Your Higher Self?
It's time to step up. It's time to become spiritually Mature.
It's TIME!
We have learned, we have struggled, we have been to workshops galore to learn healing modalities, we have been preparing. For what? We all know we have a purpose, we even know it's a special purpose. But what do you do with it next?
My answer is simple, you take the next step forward and go from feeling your truth to 'hearing your truth' FROM THE INSIDE. The next few months are going to become very noisy in the 3-d world, and being here at this time and place is very purposeful. So can you HEAR YOUR inner guidance yet? I know you feel it or you wouldn't be on this path, but do you hear clearly your direction?


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Highlights from the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Boulder, CO in October, 2013.

Highlights from the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference:

As you know, I am a supporter of  free energy technology, and anything that sustains and supports the freedom of humanity.  I have such a deep respect for groups such as  'Thrive Movement', The Master Alchemists', Children of the Sun, the many enlightened inventors, visionaries, and investors of the 5-d movements that are working to better the world. Each are doing their part in raising the consciousness individually and collectively. 

Thrive Movement creators The Gamble's, in my opinion, are one of the leading advocates  bringing positive forces for change to the world  and I would like to share with you their  Audio Blog. Please feel free to listen and if you find yourself resonating with the wonderful information please share it.

Bringing Heaven To Earth,

This week’s audio blog highlights Thrive creator, Foster Gamble’s, inspiring recap of the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference (BEM) that took place in Boulder, CO in October, 2013. Listen here to learn more about the latest in the new energy movement:

  • New Energy Technology article by Foster Gamble

  • Global Breakthrough Energy Movement
  • Photos from the Global BEM 2013 Conference
  • VIDEO: Foster Gamble’s presentation at BEM
  • VIDEO: Technologies on display at BEM
  • VIDEO: Orb phenomena recorded at the James Gilliland ranch (near Mt. Adams, Washington)ECETI
  • VIDEO: Collage of orb photos and videoECETI
  • Tuesday, October 1, 2013

    Learning how to become empowered in these uncertian Times

    It is just amazing that we can still find happiness even in the throws of chaos and crisis. We are by our very nature very capable of finding joy and well being although the noise of the outside world keeps pounding at our door.
    Over this last few years we have been learning how to keep the outside noise out, or at least from affecting us as it once did.  For example, as the financial institutions that we felt had our best interests fell, it left us financially responsible to pick up the pieces. The hidden blessing that took place was that we became aware that we had choices. When we stepped into the awareness of choice we were able to take control and responsibility for our own financial well being. We started to develop trust in ourselves by staying conscious of what was happening, then choosing our actions. This taught us how to be in our own power.

    So this is the SHIFT as seen from the outside world, what happens when this SHIFT starts rearranging your inside world?

    Can you spot the friends and co-workers that live day to day in the inner noise? You know them, they are the ones wearing the merit badges that read "enduring so much for so long". Have you noticed how easily they go into stress and then that level of existence becomes the default?  Are you aware that it turns quickly from endurance ~ stress ~  resentment ~ anger, then rage. Or maybe it goes into the pattern of depression, which by definition is anger and sadness turned inward.  Either way, the pattern begins with the feeling of dis-empowerment.  A core belief that we have no choice and that we have to (fill in the blank), in order to, fill in the blank).

    So, do you think that we can use the same concept to become empowered emotionally as we did to developed our financial empowerment? What if you found out that we actually do have choice about how we fell emotionally? What if we were able to take the responsibility away from those we thought had our best interest and became aware that it is our choice, our responsibility to take control of our own emotional well being?


    I know to some of you that this will be a vast concept to grasp. It is the power of choice, (which is a 4th dimensional state of consciousness). It is what will take you from dis-empowerment into empowerment, and it is the foundational work of basic ALCHEMY, Transforming one possibility into another.

    You do this simply by..... to be continued...

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    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Understanding These Equinox Energies

    Understanding These Equinox Energies
    WOW! These Energies have been really powerful! 
      So, what happens when you mix the powerful equinox energies bringing you into balance with the shifts energies helping you to release your old baggage? 

    Well, there are two answers to this question. The 1st answer is: It's a powerfully helpful time of accelerated release and growth that allows us opportunity to purge our lower vibration energy in order to make room for the higher vibrational energy  and cosmic light that is now coming onto the planet. Opening us up to receive and integrated this new vibration within us, allowing us to live in balance, freedom and ease.  

    The 2nd answer is: A big chaotic emotional and/ or physical mess! Lots of old stuff showing up in our life and realistically it may show up as a very stressful and painful period of time for many of us. 

    We are in The Equinox Energies on September 22, and we'll feel the effects a few day prior and a few days after this actual date.  The equinox is all about and end, the balance point, and then a new beginning. In the  physical earth sense, it's the same amount of light/darkness on this one day before it shifts again. In this side of the world, the U.S.,  we are going into fall and will now experience each day with more darkness (as the other side of the world is going into each day in more light). It is the earth energy of change that is felt in all of nature. The trees, the animals, the weather patterns, they all follow this energetic wave of change intuitively. No one teaches the trees to withdraw the chlorophyll that in turn changes the colors of the leaves. We just see beauty in the change. And,  there isn't a group of beings that are instructing the squirrels how to store nuts. You just see them busily doing their thing. You get the concept. It is the natural order of the shifting energies.

    In addition, we already know, we are moving through this great shift in consciousness. The Shift is about becoming conscious, and about  the increase in our consciousness so we can hold higher vibrations like happy, joy, freedom (and so many more).  So here we have these pivotal points in time that are assisting us.  The Shift  is actually energetically shaking up the vibrations within each of us by the earth vibrating at a higher frequency. One of the laws of the universe is that a higher vibration will call forth and raise a lower vibration.  It is  so wonderful living in this higher state of well being!

    What we don't always see is that sometimes the process  can feel really icky, especially if you don't know what's happening.  It just feels like your life is falling apart.  You don't have passion about what you use to any more, your realizing the world outside of you is changing beyond your control, trust issues are being challenged on all levels from family to government,  and the list goes on.  Do you remember what I keep saying, 'we can't take our baggage with us into the higher realms of consciousness'?    See, everything that is out of alignment is being amplified and is being shown to us. And at this point in time, it will feel bigger than life. 
    Would you like to be able to re-balance and release this baggage, especially the stuff you thought was already resolved that keeps coming back up? Would you like to find relief from the stress you have been dealing with? Great! Then you're in the right place.  

    Join me tonight for my free-teleconference and get a better understanding about how this energy is affecting you.  Then reach out and actually work with me to get into the energies and clear them out for good. The good news is that ascension and accelerated growth is very available to each and every one of us.  And... 'SOME ASSEMBLY  IS REQUIRED'. 

    As always, I look forward to be of assistance to you  When you're ready for that assistance simply follow this link:

    Jody Robinson-Medlin
    Transformational Life Coach

    Friday, September 20, 2013

    GOOD NEWS! How can we become the solution? We can all think outside the box

    As a transformational life coach I enjoy seeing the solutions that people are finding to keep them in 'WELL BEING'. Sometimes it take getting involved in what doesn't feel good to see our way into pivoting to what does feel good. The secret to this being a success is staying in the solution. Not to get caught up in the problem. Like so many of us in the Western World, we were brought up focusing on the problem and it takes re-learning how to change that pattern in order to  move into the field of possibilities to see and create solutions with constancy. Some call this simply the ability to think outside the box.
    The life long benefits of  learning how to be an outside the box thinker is powerful. This lasting change can happen for you, as it has to start here, then for the world  as this new life force flows through you trickling in everything you do .

    I invite you to take this opportunity to work with me to Create the life you desire and consistently live in Well Being, you will see the difference in how you feel immediately and permanently. You are always welcome to Join me on my free Monday night teleconferences and  now is the perfect time to take advantage of this special I am offering for one on one coaching. It is now time to step into who you are meant to be, allow me to assist.

    Jody Robinson-Medlin
    Transformational Life Coach

    Follow the link below to hear about the positive changes that are already happening around the world!
    Then join in, we can make the difference, we ARE making the difference.

    Citizens Around the World Say NO to War on Syria 

    and more....
    Enjoy learning about what we can do!

    Thursday, August 1, 2013

    Planetary Update For August 2013 and my personal experiences that helped move through a few of life's tragedies

    Planetary Update For August 2013:

    The energies in this month, as July turns into August, are very subtle and yet there is a tremendous amount of shifting and rewiring in the mental and emotional bodies. It is as if there are a hundred vibrational strings of bandwidth in the third dimensional reality, and twenty of them are being removed. They are not the twenty at the bottom nor are they the twenty at the top, but they are spread throughout the whole one hundred. This makes for a change that is subtle rather than obvious.

    As these third dimensional reference points are being removed the habit, for example, of what one in the past would have defined as an anxiousness in response to a particular situation has been replaced with a calmness. And so, even though the habit of referencing anxiousness is still there, when one looks closely, they find the bandwidth of that particular emotional response is not actually engaged. This holds true for many of these third dimensional emotional and mental thought patterns when one takes the time to look within and notice.

    It is as if there's a large construction project going on within the mental and emotional bandwidth, but as a continuous observer of the project it seems as if nothing is changing. Yet on a global scale people are very busy in the process of this construction.

    As August unfolds leading into September the changes in the construction become a little more apparent, and an opportunity to begin to notice yourself and your lack of reaction and emotional engagement in the midst of challenges becomes evermore available....

    You can listen to the full update via youtube: Jim Self and mastering Alchemy.

    My purpose in sharing this is that I have experienced exactly that which is been presented here. This month, 6 week period, I have been walloped a few times. 3 to be exact. I had a , what "they" call a non-tornado, drop two very alive and healthy hardwood trees on my home taking out my sunroom. My beloved cat was brutally torn apart by my neighbors three pit bulls and a car rear ended me bursting into flames upon impact. And I am fine.

    Any one of these situations would have, In the past, brought drama, chaos and upheaval into my world, let alone all three at once. And, I am fine. I used my energy tools, stayed in present moment and have been amazed with the clarity and calm that has stayed with me throughout each situation. I have grieved the loss of my cat, I was able to stay in the moment, and in that present moment been able to heal in ways that I never dreamt were possible. I never went into the drama of 'what could have happened'. Instead I stayed out of the anxiousness and entered into the calm, being aware of being aware, deeply connected within my self and used what ever energy tool  came to me.  By doing these few steps consciously I moved through each experience.

    So when life wallops us or even if we are just simply getting use to something unfamiliar, It is always helpful to have a full tool box to draw from. But even more so, it's a blessing to have used these tools enough when it didn't count that when it did count, I knew how to use them.


    Friday, July 5, 2013

    After Creating Your Personal Power Field, support it with a Healthy Pineal Gland.

    After Creating Your Personal Power Field,

    Learn how to support it through knowledge and a brief understanding of the Pineal Gland. This is one of many ways to enhance the energy field you have created in the CREATING YOUR PERSONAL FIELD Course. Please enjoy this article and if you haven't signed up yet for the course, Please follow this link Overview of Creating Your Personal Power Field

    The Pineal Gland and Feeding It!

    Written by Dr Sarah Larsen 
    Our pineal gland otherwise known as our master gland or the gland that governs over our third eye is the center of psychic awareness in the human mind. It is about the size of a pea and sits inside a cave located behind the pituitary gland. It naturally produces a hormone called melatonin which regulates human daily body rhythms that deal directly with the day and night cycles.
    Developing and expanding the function and the energy of your pineal gland is extremely important as it affects every system in your body physically and it has the potential to determine the expansion or the contraction of your psychic awareness, consciousness, and experience.
    Diagram of pineal gland
    Sunlight is extremely important for the pineal gland and yes sunlight is a form of food as food is any substance that nourishes the body. Sunlight can be taken in and digested through the eyes, skin, hair, nose hairs, and ears and should be consumed for at least 30 minutes a day. To fully engage the pineal gland, sunlight should be taken in through the pupils.
    Seaweed vegetables that are sun-dried by the sun contain high amounts of vitamin D, many vitamins in the B-vitamin family and iodine. Those vegetables include and are not limited to kombu, arame, wakame, dulse, nori, etc.
    Dark leafy greens like our kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, bok choy, collard greens etc are extremely nourishing for the pineal gland as this gland absorbs the properties of the green color of the vegetables and properly distributes them to the appropriate systems of the body so that the body is thoroughly nourished.
    Consuming meats including fish that has high amounts of mercury, carbonated beverages, fluoride in our water and our toothpaste and access to smog negatively affect the pineal gland and can block its ability to function properly. When you consume meat from an animal, you are ingesting the DNA of that animal and therefore taking on the negative and positive experiences of an animal which could interrupt the ability of the pineal gland to take on its own psychic awareness blueprint of the individual.
    The proper foods can positively affect your pineal gland but you can also activate your pineal gland by eating more of a raw foods, vegan, or vegetarian diet, running an ozone machine in your home to clean up the air in your home, and drinking filtered water. As much as the pineal gland needs sunlight, it also needs to produce enough serotonin to be activated so that it can increase its psychic awareness therefore serotonin is produced when the brain is asleep and therefore sleeping in a very dark room is extremely nourishing for the pineal gland as well. Foods that produce serotonin are almonds, bananas, hot peppers, rice, potatoes, and black-eyed peas and when consumed can also nourish and feed the pineal gland as well.

    Saturday, May 25, 2013

    What is happening to me and does the Full Moon/ Eclipse plays an important role

    Have you felt out of sorts lately? Or as though you can't get a handle on the control of your life anymore? Well, You are right on schedule. The universe and your soul are working hand in hand to 'shake things loose' that have not been a part of your innate well being.  It may feel as if it is the end of the world at times, but just pivot and know that the new energy cannot exist where you are holding onto the old. It is falling away at an accelerated rate and, I'm sure that it feels very scary, awkward and equally exciting all at the same time.

    We know there is something pulling us up and out of these old patterns, sometimes we go kicking and screaming but when we do go, we look back and we can validate that it was the best thing we ever did. We find ourselves asking, why did I wait so long? How come I couldn't see it? and off we go, into the new. I have posted a few articles that will help support what we are feeling. I hope you enjoy this new energy. It can be wonderful, just simply let go....

    From Spaceweather:
    CME STRIKE: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on May 24th around 1800 UT. It was just a glancing blow. Nevertheless, the impact could spark polar geomagnetic storms in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras shining through the bright moonlight on May 24-25.  Dear

    Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse is Friday, May 24, at 10:25 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is the third eclipse and bookend to this powerful and transformative time. It is difficult to predict what the fallout may be from what has been stirred up during this month but you can expect some big energy to be moving around. The potency of this time could trigger security issues, judgment and doubt. Hopefully you will have had synchronicity and signs during the month that will keep you focused positively on your newfound abilities to manifest. This full moon is a time to recommit to what you know in your heart to be true about what you want to manifest.
    Keep in mind that every thought, intention, desire, doubt, emotion, reaction and action has been greatly magnified during this time. Most likely you have had to deal with an intensity level in your life that feels bigger than what you have had to deal with in the past. You are giving birth to a new self and the birth process is stretching you in ways that you have not experienced before. Think of yourself in training for the higher frequency and expansive energy emerging on the planet. It is always important that you take some time and be in gratitude for your ability to step up to what life is giving you as well as to take a breath and a break from it all when you need balance. And take care of the body in some way as the body struggles with new energies it does not understand. You may be experiencing aches and pains you never had before. Work with water, drink lots of it, immerse yourself in it and make sure you are getting enough minerals.
    Written by Patricia Liles

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Can I help you relieve anxiety?

    Master Yourself Series' 


    "Relieving Anxiety"

    Can I help you relieve anxiety? Have you ever wondered why you 'feel' the way you do? What triggers these feelings that we have? I speak often about 'choosing' how we feel. It's a 4-D concept/action. But do we know how to handle emotions that come over us, that we aren't choosing, like anxiety?

    So I looked up anxiety in Wikipedia and was drawn to this particular definition: The philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, in The Concept of Anxiety, described anxiety or dread associated with the "dizziness of freedom" and suggested the possibility for positive resolution of anxiety through the self-conscious exercise of responsibility and choosing. I found this very interesting. Let's see if we can't make sense of this.

    So here we are, we're in a transition, we know about the 'Law Of Attraction". It simply states "what we put our attention on, will manifest". But  how do we deal with this stuff that comes up that we want to get rid of, but we don't want to put our attention on IT! In the past we have used talk therapy, we've tried working it out in our heads (usually to find who was really at fault), and all the gazillion variations of ways we mentally try to make ourselves feel better. Except that we now know that all that mental stuff will replicate through the law of attraction, we don't want because we're focusing on it.

    Are you confused yet as to what can we do now, in this new understanding of energy and healing?
    It's not a secret anymore that the third dimension is falling away.  With this third dimension falling away, we are able to step into 4th dimensional space, which by definition is present moment and choice.  It births the ability to experience personal freedom.  Up until now we've  only known about freedom, We haven't really experienced it fully. In this freedom we've developed a whole new array of challenges. Part of becoming the creators that we were meant to be is transitioning into creating something new. That is freedom. To choose because you want to, not because you're in survival, but because were in freedom.
    So let me start by bringing your attention to a couple of concepts, we as human beings have been given what is known as free will. We have forgotten what that means. Free Will is the freedom to choose what it is that we wish to experience. When humanity fell from consciousness there were those who had the ability to guide the masses. All of these eons later, we are waking up from the murkiness.  We are realizing that we are living by default and are only living learned behaviors taught to us simply by those who knew how to guide the consciousness of humanity.

    This is not about understanding the control or how we become controlled, that's another topic altogether . What it is about is understanding how to take our power back. How to separate 'who we are' from 'who we are not'. It's about remembering ourselves, the personality that We Are. Then how to let go of what we were taught and  all the fear pictures of how we are not acceptable demonstrating our freedom.

    This is creating extreme anxiety. It's the conflict between knowing what we want versus the perceived fear of what will happen to us if we demonstrate living in freedom can be paralyzing is . If we go for it, if we live that life or do the things that we want to do, what will we have to sacrifice, or how will we be punished. So how do we step out of the perceived fears, how do we overcome this powerful anxiety?       

    I believe the answer lies within creating "The Personal Power Field".  Where you  build the  personality that you wish to become. Then you can Be the person that you wish you could be. It begins with allowing ourselves to creatively play within our own psyche. Some of us still don't have enough permission to think what it is that we want to think, let alone do what it is we want to do. 

    I would like to suggest a new way of living life. The way to remember who you innately are. Would you like become childlike, innocent, playful, joyful, and happy again, or for the first time. It is possible although there is some assembly required. This transformation can be the fun you've always dreamt of having, It's all in the way you choose to see it. I encourage you to look inside for your answers, and although you may feel anxiety, take that step towards freedom. Remember that anxiety is only perceived fear. That's actually the easiest to work with.

    So empower yourself  and join me in building your personal power field.

    Jody Robinson
    Transformational Life Coach

    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Free Weekly Teleconference "Creating your Personal Power Field"

    Join me every Monday evening @ 9:00 pm EDT. sign up here

    Tonight's free teleconference class topic.

    Powerful Energy Tools 

     "Creating Your Personal Power field"


    Are you still taking things personally?  Are you still  greatly effected by other people's influence? OR have you become capable of making decisions from your higher self ? What do you think it would be like to easily make life decisions based on your best interest? Or better yet, live from the wisdom of your soul? 

    We are in this great shift in consciousness. We're being called to clear all of  'who we are not' (others expectations of who we are supposed to be), and to become 'who we are' (our authentic Soul self ). We are literally being pushed to release our baggage.  The Solar flares, the energy coming in from the central sun, The  shifting of Earth's electromagnetic field, all of this new energy is pushing against us helping us release our old internal structure allowing us to change. Although this may feel very uncomfortable at times (a lot of times actually) what it is doing is in our best interest.  It's time to work with this energy, to rebuild ourselves and become who we came here to BE. 

    So join me again tonight, and for the next few weeks,  as I continue to share with you some essential energy tools so you can easily manage your energy in this new vibration. 

     YES! We ARE Creators! We are POWERFUL CREATORS ! so let's begin to rebuild 


    Sunday, February 10, 2013

    Relationship Issues Unfolding?

    "Relationship Issues Unfolding?"


    What I have been experiencing this week is a major shift in the way we think, feel and therefor process relationship issues. We are awakening to new desires and needs (two very different energies), and the ways in which we get these needs met has changed. Or are you noticing that... yet? 
    The old ways, or paradigms, are falling away and we are standing at the leading edge of the new. Join me tonight as we explore ways to bridge the gap and become comfortable and secure bumping around in this new energy that is forming our new relationships. 
    It is so very important not to get our fingers into other peoples dramas. Some things showing up to  look at are:  Why  others can't feel the way they feel, simply because it isn't the way you feel or because you can't be comfortable as they feel that way. Sounds confusing? well, It can be.
    Relationships are the single most lesson teaching platform that there is. We mirror each other and attract like vibrational circumstances all day, every day. We play out over and over what it is that we believe. That's just LIFE. That's just what we were born to do right? Right. So who said that it had to be uncomfortable? where did we attach a belief that says that change is hard? That it's scary?
    Well, It's simple really, it has to do with how safe we feel inside our own skin. How much do we trust that everything is in divine order? How  do we feel if it's not what we think when it is over and how easy is it to change to something else?  For some of us, that whole thought string is absolutely scary as hell and is in no way comfortable, desirable and as a matter of fact, I WILL NEVER LIVE THAT WAY!.  And therefore structure their lives no NEVER even be an option to consider.

    More of us live that way than you may realize. In many ways we run from change, we run from the thought of failing and therefore trying something different. We have been taught that it BAD, even more importantly that WE ARE BAD when we fail. So you wonder why we don't try? I don't.
    So Just how DO we become comfortable in change? How Do We learn to go with the flow and trust?
    It takes coaching. It takes learning how to learn differently that we have been taught in the old paradigm. It take learning to trust yourself and the rewards are tremendous! The life we build on the new foundation is spectacular!. So take that step, take that chance... Lets roll up our sleeves together and walk into life on our terms, We have the help Now to do it. What are you waiting for?
    Jody Robinson
    Transformational Life Coach

    Monday, January 21, 2013

    Choice. You Mean I can really Chooise how I feel?

    'Master Yourself Series' 
    "You Mean We Can CHOOSE To Be Happy,  
    And For Reason?"  
    Tonight's  topic in this new series of 'Self Mastery' is on Choice. Can I really CHOOSE To Be Happy?
    Are you aware that we have the power within us to actually CHOOSE how we feel? Have you Awakened yet to the knowledge that we ALREADY ARE CHOOSING? Have you realized that we do choose how we feel every minute, every second of every day? How can that be possible? 
    Is your reaction to that statement:
     I'm not consciously choosing how I feel! Then...
     GREAT! your in the right place. See you Monday night.

    Monday, January 7, 2013

    'Master Yourself Series' Launch 1-7-13

    NEW 'Master Yourself Series'
    "Staying out of OLD Patterns"

    Tonight will be a special night as we launch my new series on 'Self Mastery'.  It's now 2013 and we are in the 'EYE' of the Shift. We HAVE changed our world and WE ARE our future. So how do YOU Choose to create it? 
    These are very special times, milestones in the evolution of our Selves as Conscious Human Beings. It is Now the Time, more than any other time in our life, to step into Spiritual Maturity. It's TIME to Become Responsible as the Creator of Your Life. 
    So just how do we go  about stepping into this great opportunity of change... EASILY?
    Join me as I launch this Powerful
    SELF MASTERY SERIES and find out.
    when you understand energy
    Go To (click link below) and  sign up for this and other free series: