Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Approaching the Karmic Board & Clear Our Karma Before We Step into the New Energy of 12-21-2012

Together Lets Approach the Karmic Board & Clear Our Karma Before We Step into the New Energy of  12-21-2012

 A Powerful and Transformational
                          Virtual Workshop 
In order to easily step into the SHIFT and this new energy past 2012, it is imperative that we REALLY KNOW AND UNDERSTAND KARMA and how agreements work. Agreements and choice are the core foundation of creating your life in a sustainable full sense of freedom and ease. It is the spiritual maturity that this shift in consciousness (THE SHIFT) is bringing us to. By now we all understand that we each agreed to come here by choice and that we WANTED to experience all that has, is, and will happen to us in our lifetime. Our higher selves decided what lesson we wanted to learn, what we wanted to experience and so on. Our job once we jumped into these bodies was to bump around and figure it out. To learn whatever it was we said we wanted to learn and experience. Meanwhile, the universe orchestrates and creates beautifully bringing you into situations in order to do what you choose to do here. 

Understanding this helps you see that we are governed by a simple rule, "Nothing is ever done TO YOU, It's always done FOR YOU". In other words, your life is created by your design and it is by your choice and by the agreements you have made. This is called Karma.

If life isn't happening in a way that is pleasing to you, and you spend more time struggling than you do enjoying, then its time to ask “what's up with that?” Maybe you simply, like we all have, are carrying this thing called 'karmic dept' and a gazillion agreements that were made from eons of lifetimes ago till present moment. They just travel with you in your sub-conscious.  
Were you aware that you can break these agreements?

Yes, this game of life we are living has incorporated free will into the rule book. At this juncture in time 'THE SHIFT' has brought universal energies that are supporting us so effectively. It has opened up our consciousness enough to be able to grasp this concept and to choose to take action on our behalf.

Want to play? Let me show you how you can create the life you desire by freeing yourself from the past agreements you hold onto that no longer are serving you. Then, you can make new agreements that support you in your ascension. I know you will be amazed at the personal empowerment you will benefit from by this simple act.

Again, it is my honor to take you into this journey to a higher dimensional space and facilitate one of the most powerful clearings you can do…

                                                         CLEARING YOUR KARMA!


Jody Robinson 770-653-3832
Transformational Life Coach

Click here for more info about this powerful transformational virtual workshop

Missed it Live and still want/need to Clear Your Karma?
Fantastic then this is perfect for you. Simply
Download this Virtual workshop: $20.00

Monday, December 17, 2012

SPECIAL 12-12-12 Message and meditation

HAPPY 12-12-12!
This is my message for the 12-12-12 "event". It comes with a meditation as a gift from me to you. Please follow this link and in-joy!

This is the time we have been waiting for. It's a joyful homecoming and a time of celebration. This is a time when we take each others hand and walk side by side through the doorway into the higher dimensions of consciousness. We have all endured so many long journeys to get to this moment in time. With the completion of many many cycles and the birthing of a new era, it's now time to relax into the flow of the energy we have created. 
I honor all of the hundreds of thousands of dedicated light-workers that have worked so hard transcending their own fears in order to make this point in time the miracle that it has become. My gratitude and appreciation overflow through the tears of joy. As I glance back at the birthing process that we all have gone through, I can barely touch the memories of the birthing pains endured reaching this other side of life. It reminds me of the overflowing joy and amazement I felt as they laid my new born son in my arms for the 1st time. There is an unwavering absolute knowings that we are powerful creators!
I, hand in hand with my incredible soul family, stand at this precipice with a fully opened heart knowing we are capable, present, senior, and extremely certain that we are (I AM) Pleased with myself.
My wish is that you enjoy this meditation and that you can feel the inner beauty and power that you hold. Let it shine, let it flow, share your heart with those around you and together lets usher in Heaven on Earth.
Many Blessings,
Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Energy Coming in

I wanted to allow some of these new energies to integrate in me before I shared or tried to explain what is happening within me. This last week or so has been incredible! I'm going to try and share it with you but know that no matter how hard I try to express the intense amazement and continued miraculous inner growth  it is only a drop in the bucket of the oceans fill that can be shared outwardly. It is an inner journey beyond words.

So, here I go...  A week ago Monday in a session I had been facilitating, being  a transformational life coach  this was an intuitive session that  happens to have been with another level 3 alchemist. Anyways, I was in 'that zone' and was guiding us into a space that I was being guided into. I cannot remember exactly  what was done but the gist of it was to create a compression into the 1st triad, open up the second, creating compression, and then it took off from the pineal into the earth star and SHOT like a rocket popping the cork off of the third eye and crown charka on it way up and out. It was a powerful force and it was obvious to us both that a vortex was created.  The time flew and I had to end the session on time to deal with a plumbing repair or we would have continued. We felt that we should leave the space open which is something I have never been guided to do before. and I went to tend to the plumbers that were waiting.

That day was intense for me, I had plumbers here replacing the water heater and although they replaced it, synchronicity events took place and they were miraculously still here when another pipe broke, spewing water all over the basement. It was a matter of seconds that they had the water shut back off and was working on the fix. I know water is emotional and this erupted like a volcano or like the power that had just come from the earth star shooting up through me. it was easily taken care of  where , well, if you saw my basement you would know it would have been disaster had it not been caught right as it started as my sweetie and his family have just finished moving in and  well just leave it as he is an abundant creator therefore has LOTS of STUFF all housed in that part of my basement...
I'm regressing...It was the ease, accomplishment, and the ability to move through things without drama that was wonderful...

Robert Winn came in to town and as his event planner I am blessed with the availability to participate in the breath work session that he facilitates. That next day  In the 1st  breath session I went easily  into an altered space. As I grounded myself firmly Anna (Mother of Mary) came to me. I had an incredible remembrance of  Anna and my ancient  soul connection that I felt from the moment that I was re-acquainted with her at the original mid-session bringing in the triad of divine feminine. I have not had much connection with the Mary's then but Anna after a 'hello' was there with them. They sat with me as Anna, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene shared the space showing me that I have , as all of us in this alchemists group collective, have already been through the initiations and that I (we) simply need to remember or be reactivated to have what I (we) need to move into this next step of what I (we) am called to do or better put agreed to be here for. I was so full of gratitude and so full of joy, so honored to be sharing this space of beauty and belonging. I felt the energy of a portal opening into the earth star that was activated through me and in this heightened state of joy and bliss we simply sat in the layers of thought with no thought. It is beyond words as these layers are, and the warmth still fills the 1st triad fully when I put my attention on it. I came out of that hour of breathing amazed that it was already an hour. I came back to this reality as I felt my ear canals uncomfortably full of water from my tears. Talk about feeling relief of all this work we do and the wondering if we get it right and all that 'old stuff' that is now nowhere in my space. the doubt was removed. 

Then it got better....really, like how could it? It did! The next night was Wednesday and Robert and I went to the next workshop location. There ended up being 4 Alchemists and one 'muggle' so the room was held quite high in vibration to begin with. The session started and as I grounded Anna came to me almost immediately. I felt a new presence as I saw she was with a beloved masculine energy, I was filled with the knowing of the energy of Joachim and remembered it immediately. It was so beautiful as the two of them then joined in perfect union of the divine feminine and divine masculine in union. It was amazing and I stayed in that glow allowing it to fill me and the codes of this union permeated my whole being.  No color but that divine perfect balanced union was so wonderful and full. The energy of the 'beloved' that merged with me was... I sit here and cannot put the feeling into words worthy of it,  Just amazing  (I was also grateful that I had the insight to put tissue in my ears cause I really needed it, such tears of joy...).

Then the portal opened up Through and below me , and the energy of the beloved with Joachim entered into the portal. Anna and I stayed holding the energy of the divine union and Yeshua with Mary came in through me and with a 'hello', no words again just thought below thought, and in the same energy of divine union went into the portal. Then in the same manor Mary and Joseph (or the beloved union of another masculine energy) came through me and into the portal. Then a flow of divinely balanced paired  beings all feeling familiar and in the divine beloved perfect balanced energy continued to come through me and into the portal. When it ended I asked what do I do now? I was instructed to work in collaboration with a few other people to bring different activation in and when I got back to this dimension I quickly wrote down notes so I could remember what I was to do. My memory unless I am back in that space that it originated from, is gone. SO I need tools to jog it. And I know, the answer lies where the question is asked, he wasn't kidding. I cannot even remember the question if I walk away from that energy that I was curious enough to ask it in. Guess we are really needing to be in present moment.

When the breath session was over I sat in this space glowing with this feeling of enormous gratitude and Robert suggested we all stay together and do the Wednesday night live class. We sent the non-member on his way and we all settled in for the next hour or so of class.
WOW! It was a continuation of where I was already and I cannot begin to tell you how long it took for me to come back into my world, which by the way is getting harder and harder to discern which is which. When I told Cliff the next day what happened he just laughed and made me hang up and listen to the weeks channeling. WOW AGAIN!!! We are so connected  in this work.
 I wanted to share this amazing journey with everyone as I know we are all bringing in such amazing non-physical energies into the world of the physical each in our own unique way. It is an honor to be a part of this soul family and I know we are all helping set up the energy for the 12-12-12.  I am so curious and every time I ask 'can it get any better than this?', well, I think everyone has experienced THAT answer.   I can't wait!!!

Divine Balanced Perfect Union Love to all,

Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are you Finally ready to start living the Life you Desire?

Are you Finally ready to start living the Life you Desire? 

It's almost November of 2012 and we all know about energy and the great shift in consciousness that is taking place. We've been learning about it, reading about it, hearing channels explain it and we really think we understand it. We have picked up a few tools to help us cope with the disappearing third dimension and we've been practicing when it doesn't count. Well,  now it is beginning to count. So...

How masterful are you? 
How much are you actually practicing with the tools you have learned? 
How focused are your thoughts on what you want (as opposed to what you     don't want)?
How managed is your energy?
How well is it working for you? 

Relax, Sometime even if we know all this, we still need to be coached to get through the 'we don't know what we don't know' place and into the "I knew that, I just didn't know how to get there by myself''.  

Please join me as review a few tools and amplify our  energy field to be able to hold more of the light codes that are coming onto the planet in assistance of our evolution into the shift. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

How do we create a new foundation to comfortably move through the shift?

How do we create a new foundation to comfortably move through the shift?

I believe we are all familiar with what this shift is about, but if not here is a quickie understanding. We are the race of Humans, Humans are ascending into a greater consciousness. We are on earth, Earth is ascending into a greater consciousness. We are both in an electromagnetic field. This field is created by electric (thoughts) magnetic (Emotions).  Our thoughts (mental bodies) and emotions (emotional bodies) are dropped into a physical body. The shift is about opening up that field in order to integrate our spiritual body. The memory of our spiritual body has been purposely  left out of this life's equation in order to bump around and create new experiences. To explore where no man has explored before. Sounds vaguely familiar doesn't it?

So now that we know we are a compilation of our thoughts and emotions, dropped into physical and trying to remember the spiritual the Shift can make more sense to us. Right? 

I thought so, That's why in the next few posts, I will be sharing the wisdom of my life's experience and how the new energies are affecting us. Most importantly, I will be helping you to know how to work with new concepts and fields of awareness, universal laws and updated energetic information to help you move through the shift more comfortably. 

So visit the blog often and sign up for the free teleconferences or better yet, sign up to work one-on-one with me as your personal coach. This is the great time of change and we all need the assistance of those who are waking up slightly ahead of them. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.   

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21, 2012 Special Equinox Message

have had an incredible amount of sessions, calls and emails around the issues and pain that is being held onto by these energies that are being shaken loose from our consciousness at this particular point in time. Enough that I wanted to address it and share it with all of you and to remind you that these are glorious times that we are experiencing. We are blessed to be moving through this awakening and although shedding 'who we are not' is necessary to become 'who we really are', it can be messy at times...
                                                But it's TOTALLY WORTH IT!
September 21, 2012 Equinox Message
This is the Equinox of 2012 and the basic LAW OF ATTRACTION is very active, maybe a bit understood but very active. At this juncture in time the universal energies have been working with each of us assisting us in merging our dark self with our light self so we can transmute the dark and become simply light. It's not about balancing light and dark or learning how to manage in the 3-d world of duality. It's about being in the higher vibrational world of 4th, 5th dimension and beyond.
These are the days, not out in the future but RIGHT NOW that it will count most as we position ourselves for the other side of the shift. It is our consciousness that is opening up. Our beliefs, our thoughts of who we are, our thoughts of what we are all about. Our thoughts of what is possible to become. All of these thoughts have been challenged because they connected to the dark aspect of self. It is in the light that we KNOW who we really are. We are Creators! We are powerful beyond our wildest imaginations! Our thoughts create our circumstances, our realities, our world. We are constantly creating experiences that keep us in the belief of who we think we are. NOW is the time, It is so vital that we get this.
It's no longer time to practice when it doesn't count. It now counts! So, are you where you want to be? Are you consciously aware of where your attention and focus are? If what your focusing on right now manifested is that where you want to be? Again, Its where your focus is that will continue to keep being created. Only you know where that place is. The thoughts coupled with the feelings, or emotions, are how we create. Look at what you've allowed in your focus and observe what is taking place. Can you see how your life is producing exactly what your past attention has been on? Is that what you want in your life's experience to continue to manifest? I'm really not kidding about this stuff! Our happiness (or lack of it ) and well being (or lack of it) is not coming from outside of us. It's not in anyone else's hands or anyone else's responsibility. It's an inside job and it's our responsibility. It IS the mastery we came here to master. WE ARE Creating the lives we desire. We are stepping out of the energy of the wounded masculine belief systems of controlling others behaviors in order to get what we think we need to be happy. It's a releasing of a core belief that we would be happy, safe, successful (and add all your own baggage)... if THEY only would...(fill in the many blanks that create the arguments of our limitations).
We have to stop and see what we are allowing into our thoughts, release the ones that we don't want in our experience along with the emotional charge that has magnetized to it. That's the work! That has always been the work. It's not about controlling anything outside of you to make you feel better. It's controlling, or mastering our thoughts. These are choices and being in this choice propels us into 4th dimensional space. Once this is really understood, why would anyone go back to purposely choosing to create what they know hurts them or supports emotional pain and suffering all the while blaming those they love, those they are holding responsible for their happiness, and ultimately for their misery?
We are at the point in this great shift of consciousness that it is time we stepped into what we hold as our truth. For some of us it's taken years of work even lifetimes of work to get to where we understand this universal truth. Sometimes it difficult to hold the compassion that is necessary to keep our own centers strongly in the 5th dimensional space, but I want this growth so much for everyone, I wish I could just simply crack open every one's head, reactive their pineal and stuff the new vibrations in, but I can't do that. It is as I said before, it's an inside job. No one can do it for us. I am a guide, within my mastery I can and will hold the space for you to move through your growth , out of your pain, and into your own mastery and... you have to do it.
It is my passion to help all those who wish to move forward, those who are here to be the creators of heaven on earth as we enter into this incredible new age of self mastery and conscious creation of desire. So observe where you are consciously. Choose what you want to create for yourself and humanity. Then act, do your inner work. This is what it takes to get there, AND KNOW... You are only a thought away.
Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach


Friday, August 3, 2012

Finding Grace within Change

  In this new energy of the shift, the only constant seems to be change. My life has been spent doing this funny dance with change. In the past, I found I would put up with what was unacceptable until the pain of the situation was greater than the pain of the unknown and the fear of change was the less of two evils. Then change was done kicking and screaming. I would find myself saying things like, "I don't do change gracefully, and I let it go with claw marks in it," and even though I was joking, kind of, I knew that was how it really felt. But when I was on the other side of the change, I would realize that it was always the best thing that ever happened to me.  I found myself saying things like, "why didn't I do this sooner? How could I have stayed for so long? Didn't I see how it really was?" and a litany of feelings similar.

So what is the energy of change that we fear so much? could it have something to do with not trusting? Who is it that we are afraid to trust? And most of all, what can I do to release that and step into the change of the new Earth in Grace and ease?

The answers to these questions and the additional questions that came from the answers, all revolve around the lack of trust that we have within our own lives.  We have found ourselves taught that we need to go outside ourselves to find our answers, our rightful place in the world and basically our 'place' in society. We have found ourselves waking up to the game of being judged by others. Being policed by others and we have learned not to trust our own innate wisdom. Of coarse change is scary. Who is going to tell us what to do and how to do it. We fit in in the old ways and now what?
With the Solstice upon us, I am guided to help as many as I can complete as much as they can. We will be be approaching the Karmic Board and asking for all Karma to be released. The way I see it, we are asking for our lives to change and in a dramatic way. So join me tonight and lets clear the path so we can step into the change we are asking for.

This was the topic of this weeks free teleconference. It's just an example of what I offer as a gift to all. Feel free to listen to the many archived weekly calls located in the archive teleconference section of my web site.

Join my mailing list and get  information on free lectures as well as my weekly teleconference updates.
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Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness

Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness

I have been talking about the solar activity for many years now, this says what I have been saying, just a little different. Enjoy it and hopefully you can see yet another aspect of the same energy.
Jody Robinson
Consciousness Life Coach

solafr flare x1
By Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
March 2012
As we enter the turning point year 2012, Earth has been motivated and propelled forward into solar generated ascension light in the forms of solar emissions and solar activations. Solar Cycle 24 is expected to peak in 2012 and to subside around 2020.
Solar cycles play an important part in the upgrading of human cell structure and consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process.
The Earth and the Sun have a symbiotic relationship; they are tied together via stellar DNA, always producing a yin and yang. They balance one another on multiple levels. It takes about 9.9 minutes for a solar shift on the Sun to affect the human electoral system. It takes about 48 hours for the solar blast to hit Earth mostly in the form of solar winds (the outward flux of solar particles and magnetic fields from the Sun) plasma clouds, proton flares and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields (The magnetic field carried with the solar wind).
Solar activity is a catalyst for evolutionary process. Solar light stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness for all beings in our universe. It pushes us into a higher position of knowing and the ability to integrate and use that knowledge for the betterment of all Universes. Evolutionary change is Sun driven and new energy is coming from deep space via the portal of the Sun. The Earth is experiencing “Space Weather” on an unprecedented scale.
The Sun rings like a huge bell; the gases on the Sun rise and sink like water boiling in a kettle. Sound waves are generated by these convection currents becoming trapped within the Sun and setting up a checkerboard pattern of vibrations ringing out celestial melodies like a huge bell.
As the heart and brain of this universe, the Sun sends a twelve-faceted light into every atom of its own solar universe. The Sun is a storehouse of essential electrical energies and the great pulsating heart of our universe. With each beat, the Sun expels its accumulated store of vitality through the mysterious sunspots to the remotest corners of the solar system. The Sun feeds its family, just as the heart feeds the body. It sends out its blood through the South Pole, and after the circulation around the Earth’s body has taken place, it receives it in again at the North Pole. It is through sunspots that the solar blood, solar energy, and psycho magnetism returns to be purified in the heart that sent it forth. The Sun is a giver of life; it is our elder brother and our father-mother light. The Sun is a portal, which streams info and light emanations from other light systems and worlds above ours. It is a storehouse of vital energies and is considered to be the great heart.
Stars like our Sun are the visible raiments of celestial beings that are far ahead of us in their spiritual evolution. Their inner aspects are invisible, just like ours. The Sun is simply the heart and brain of our little Universe, the mighty heart of the solar system which beats once every 11 earth years. With each beat, the Sun expels its accumulated light and energy through sunspots projecting to the remotest corners of the solar system. The Sun feeds its family, just as the heart feeds the body.
Earth and all of her inhabitants, are a spherical receiver/transmitter. Solar flares can affect the central nervous system (including the stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), all human and animal behavior and all mental-emotional-physical responses. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable, and lethargic, have short-term memory loss, nausea, headaches, and trouble with all forms of communication–both human and technological.
Solar activity illuminates consciousness opening new neural-pathways; old patterns are consumed in Light, to make way for the new paradigm.
The Sun cycles affect space weather and Earth. During times of high activity, the number of sunspots, coronal holes, and solar flares increases as does the solar wind a constant stream of protons and electrons flowing from the Sun. Events such as coronal holes and solar flares increase the outflow of charged particles from the Sun.
At times of high solar activity, the solar wind is much stronger and carries a greater number of protons and electrons ejected from the Sun. These are called birkeland currents when they get to earth. A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) looks like solar DNA in what “new science” calls , the study of the energy of the rays which come from the Sun. A CME can eject enormous amounts of solar material towards Earth. This material, called plasma, acts like it is alive, with self-organizing behavior.
Traveling at a few million miles per hour, a CME typically takes three or four days to reach Earth. When it finally arrives, the gush of material and energy warps and distorts Earth’s magnetic field. The result is a geomagnetic storm — a disturbance in the magnetosphere that can disrupt radio communications and navigation systems and can also be hazardous to satellites, electrical equipment, and pipelines.
The universe is not empty; there are power lines all thru space. We know the universe is composed of solid, light, gas and now plasma, which braid themselves into ropes that act as powerful transmission lines with no limit to the distance in which they can operate. Thus, they create a cosmic lattice/celestial super highway system.
Therefore, 2012 gives us the gift of solar heeling's that penetrate deep into the cells of mankind, removing all that stands in the way of humanity’s next step on the ascension ladder. As these solar particles move into parts of your heart and body. Remember that in order to become a Prince one must first remove all fragments from the previous life when one was a pauper.
Solar penetration is necessary to move from stasis into the fullness of a healing release. Seeing ones self fully healed without the need to learn from dis-ease, is the place that the Regal Sun wishes to see its citizens.
Feel free to listen to the many archived weekly calls located in the archive teleconference section of my web site, I offer it as a gift to all..
Jody Robinson
Consciousness Life Coach

Join my mailing list and get information on free lectures as well as my weekly teleconference updates.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Riding the Waves of Change

I have been talking about "The Shift", about solar flares, solar winds, solar storms , the electromagnetic field around the earth, how thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic, for what seems like years.  Why?  Because This electromagnetic field around us is the core foundation of our consciousness and as it changes, so do we.   We are all experiencing this great SHIFT in consciousness whether we are aware of it or not.  

 In my work as a coach, I see the patterns of energy that is being altered at various stages of this shift.  the most apparent aspects of this segment of the shift is that we are becoming the effect of our belief systems at an accelerated rate. Time is collapsing and the Law of attraction is quickening in the process. So what that means is that we are manifesting our thoughts faster.  

Are you ready to have all your thoughts become your reality instantly? Are you aware that your sub-consciousness thoughts are connected to your emotional body, and your emotional body is what has the power to manifest? It's not what you consciously think about. That's connected to the mental body and it has been taught to 'control' and manipulate and not trust and ...I think you get the message. We are at a point in our human evolution that we need to learn how to change our sub conscious beliefs. our world is rapidly changing as the disclosures are surfacing in order to purge the old destructive patterns from every aspect of our lives. We want our freedom, we demand our freedom and it begins with our individual responsibility to create for ourselves what we desire because we desire it. No longer do we want others to control us through fear and it starts by changing our belief systems, focusing on the sub-conscious beliefs that are connected to the lies and deceit of the old paradigm and transmuting them.

Join me, work with me, lets clear our space and make room for a new electromagnetic field to grow within us creating a new foundation of freedom and love. This Shift is helping us expand beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. It is bringing Hope to the planet in waves of light. It's time to master and ride these waves of change.  

It's simply NOW TIME. Wake up and become the creators of your own reality.

This was the topic of this weeks free teleconference. It's just an example of what I offer as a gift to all. Feel free to listen to the many archived weekly calls located in the archive teleconference section of my web site.

Join my mailing list and get information on free lectures as well as my weekly teleconference updates.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yes! I Stand with Family Farmers vs. Monsanto!

On January 31, family farmers will take part in the first phase of a court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer’s crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits. In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.

In many cases farmers are forced to stop growing certain organic and conventional crops to avoid genetic contamination and potential lawsuits. Between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts. Due to these aggressive lawsuits, Monsanto has created an atmosphere of fear in rural America and driven dozens of farmers into bankruptcy.

Farmers need your voice today. Please spread the word today.

We need your help today. Farmers need your help.

On Monday we sent out an urgent petition to Stand With Farmers as they seek their day in court for a groundbreaking lawsuit that will protect them from Monsanto’s abusive lawsuits for alleged patent infringement.

Already more than 24,367 people have signed it, but it’s not enough. We need to let more people know about the threat that farmers are facing in America and it’s up to you.

Help us reach 40,000 signatures in the next 3 days so that  family farmers know that the American people stand behind them.

Click here to automatically sign your name to say, “I Stand with Family Farmers” and we will deliver your signatures to farmers attending the OSGATA et al vs. Monsanto lawsuit on January 31st in New York City.

In what can only be described to be another example of Agribusiness and Government interference in the lives of America’s family farmers, if Monsanto’s genetically modified (GMO) crops contaminate an organic or conventional farmer’s fields and that farmer saves and replants their own seed, under current U.S. law, the farmer can be sued by Monsanto for patent infringement.

Does this even sound like it could happen in America?

In fact, between 1997 and 2010, 144 farmers have already been sued by Monsanto and another 700 have settled out of court for undisclosed sums. Many times these abusive lawsuits force farmers into bankruptcy and off the land. We can’t allow that to continue to happen.

This is appalling. But it only happened because of the powerful collusion between corporate agribusiness and elected officials who have turned our regulatory agencies into revolving doors between Monsanto’s executives and other corporate officials.

Unfortunately, this collusion has left U.S. farmers trapped in an Orwellian Catch 22. If their neighbor plants a field next to theirs that contains GMOs and the pollen containing Monsanto's patented genes engineered in a lab blows across the fence onto their land and contaminates their crops, then they can not only be sued by Monsanto, but also lose their farm if they can’t afford the court costs. Sadly most can’t afford the fight. And Monsanto knows this.

Help put an end to the fear and intimidation that Monsanto’s abusive lawsuits have spread in rural America.

Click here to automatically sign your name and say, “I Stand with Family Farmers”. America's farmers have never needed you more than now!

On January 31, family farmers will finally have their day in court as a federal district court judge has agreed to hear oral arguments on a case challenging Monsanto's aggressive patent infringement lawsuits against farmers. As a plaintiff in the lawsuit, Food Democracy Now! will be there and want to make sure that America's farmers know that citizens everywhere stand with them.

Thank you for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

craigslist | about > SOPA

KEEP OUR INTERNET FREE...This is the simplest way to have your voice count and be heard.  Just Follow this link and join millions of like minded people and make a difference.

craigslist about > SOPA

This is one of the most important stances I have taken publicly. I have been sponsoring viewings the movie "Thrive" here in Atlanta, and continue to do so, as a means of 'waking up the World' to our own individual power. If you haven't yet seen this important movie about taking control of our lives back, Please visit my web site for future screening dates,  times and locations.  It is vital that we understand that we are powerful and that we are important and that our voice can be heard. We are the Teachers, Leaders and Healers we came here to be. Lets stand up and take our rightful place . Stand up and be seen.  .... IT  IS TIME!     

craigslist | about > SOPA

craigslist about > SOPA

Monday, January 9, 2012

Entering into 2012, Why Do we need Consciousness Life Coaching ?

As I reflect on it now being 2012, I am very much aware that we have stepped up our acension focus. For many of us we have been working on clearing our spaces for a very long time. I personally started in classic talk therapy back when I was a 'troubled' teen. It seemed to transform my life and I moved forward. I defined who and what I thought I was to be and then proceeded to BE it. Years passed and I decided I was 'still flawed' as I found myself very unhappy as a wife and mother. I couldn't figure out what was 'wrong with me'. So I went back to the couch to fix me (again). That work seemed to transform my life and I again moved forward until I became very depressed and figured I was 'still broken'. So I began inner child work (and got a divorce) and the game continued.  This pattern of feeling that I was at fault, something must be wrong with me, I'll find someone to fix me, good ~ I'm better now, just kept cycling through my life.

Then one day I became aware that I was not conscious and MY life began.  As I became conscious, I realized that I am not troubled or flawed, nothing is wrong with me, and I was never broken.  I realized I have been taught that I was “not good enough”, that I “don’t deserve”, especially if I haven’t “earned” it.  All of these energies, and so many more, had kept me controlled in fear and prevented me from connecting to my true self. I woke up and saw how I was looking outside of myself for validation of my worthiness and how no one give me permission to become consciously aware. WOW! Once I became aware I gave myself permission, and my life began to change. I studied energy, I became a Master Alchemist, I learned consciousness concepts.  I learned many tools and I learned to embrace the change. I was able to break out of the patterns of who I was supposed to be and found my authentic self joyfully blossoming forth.

You see, the journey into consciousness is more than just clearing or meditating. It's learning how to let go of everything we thought was truth, especially the beliefs we hold onto that cause us pain and dis-empower us. Discerning becomes an art. Life will become real, in the sense that we will understand that everything is an illusion.  Perception can change everything and the new found energy of love will define our new Earth in ways that we are just beginning to imagine. We choose Happy as a state of being and life becomes an adventure.  It is now a joy to be in this world and a pleasure to share it.

I am not better than anyone. I am an Alchemist and a visionary. I am a teacher, I am a Healer, and I am a Leader. I am just a small step in front of you and it is my passion to be of assistance to you as a Consciousness Life Coach. It is my core belief that my life is about 100% personal growth AND 100% about service to others.  It is my desire to personally guide you from your awareness into consciousness.

So if you have found your way to this page and it resonates with you, you will certainly be able to feel the hope of happily and intentionally creating the life you desire. Allow me to give you that step up through Conscious Life Coaching.

 Please visit me here for more insight: