Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Approaching the Karmic Board & Clear Our Karma Before We Step into the New Energy of 12-21-2012

Together Lets Approach the Karmic Board & Clear Our Karma Before We Step into the New Energy of  12-21-2012

 A Powerful and Transformational
                          Virtual Workshop 
In order to easily step into the SHIFT and this new energy past 2012, it is imperative that we REALLY KNOW AND UNDERSTAND KARMA and how agreements work. Agreements and choice are the core foundation of creating your life in a sustainable full sense of freedom and ease. It is the spiritual maturity that this shift in consciousness (THE SHIFT) is bringing us to. By now we all understand that we each agreed to come here by choice and that we WANTED to experience all that has, is, and will happen to us in our lifetime. Our higher selves decided what lesson we wanted to learn, what we wanted to experience and so on. Our job once we jumped into these bodies was to bump around and figure it out. To learn whatever it was we said we wanted to learn and experience. Meanwhile, the universe orchestrates and creates beautifully bringing you into situations in order to do what you choose to do here. 

Understanding this helps you see that we are governed by a simple rule, "Nothing is ever done TO YOU, It's always done FOR YOU". In other words, your life is created by your design and it is by your choice and by the agreements you have made. This is called Karma.

If life isn't happening in a way that is pleasing to you, and you spend more time struggling than you do enjoying, then its time to ask “what's up with that?” Maybe you simply, like we all have, are carrying this thing called 'karmic dept' and a gazillion agreements that were made from eons of lifetimes ago till present moment. They just travel with you in your sub-conscious.  
Were you aware that you can break these agreements?

Yes, this game of life we are living has incorporated free will into the rule book. At this juncture in time 'THE SHIFT' has brought universal energies that are supporting us so effectively. It has opened up our consciousness enough to be able to grasp this concept and to choose to take action on our behalf.

Want to play? Let me show you how you can create the life you desire by freeing yourself from the past agreements you hold onto that no longer are serving you. Then, you can make new agreements that support you in your ascension. I know you will be amazed at the personal empowerment you will benefit from by this simple act.

Again, it is my honor to take you into this journey to a higher dimensional space and facilitate one of the most powerful clearings you can do…

                                                         CLEARING YOUR KARMA!


Jody Robinson 770-653-3832
Transformational Life Coach

Click here for more info about this powerful transformational virtual workshop

Missed it Live and still want/need to Clear Your Karma?
Fantastic then this is perfect for you. Simply
Download this Virtual workshop: $20.00

Monday, December 17, 2012

SPECIAL 12-12-12 Message and meditation

HAPPY 12-12-12!
This is my message for the 12-12-12 "event". It comes with a meditation as a gift from me to you. Please follow this link and in-joy!

This is the time we have been waiting for. It's a joyful homecoming and a time of celebration. This is a time when we take each others hand and walk side by side through the doorway into the higher dimensions of consciousness. We have all endured so many long journeys to get to this moment in time. With the completion of many many cycles and the birthing of a new era, it's now time to relax into the flow of the energy we have created. 
I honor all of the hundreds of thousands of dedicated light-workers that have worked so hard transcending their own fears in order to make this point in time the miracle that it has become. My gratitude and appreciation overflow through the tears of joy. As I glance back at the birthing process that we all have gone through, I can barely touch the memories of the birthing pains endured reaching this other side of life. It reminds me of the overflowing joy and amazement I felt as they laid my new born son in my arms for the 1st time. There is an unwavering absolute knowings that we are powerful creators!
I, hand in hand with my incredible soul family, stand at this precipice with a fully opened heart knowing we are capable, present, senior, and extremely certain that we are (I AM) Pleased with myself.
My wish is that you enjoy this meditation and that you can feel the inner beauty and power that you hold. Let it shine, let it flow, share your heart with those around you and together lets usher in Heaven on Earth.
Many Blessings,
Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach