Monday, January 13, 2014

Venus is at inferior conjunction

Venus is at inferior conjunction

On Jan. 11th, Venus is at inferior conjunction. That means it is passing almost directly between Earth and the sun. With its nightside facing Earth (almost perfectly), Venus looks like an incredibly slender crescent.( from

So what does that mean? How does the planets alignment affect our emotional energy field? I have always understood my birth or sun sign. For me it is Leo. I followed the daily horoscope as I was growing up and was always amazed at how close it was. Then I started questioning if it was reading it that made it happen so I started reading my horoscope the day after to 'find the truth'.  It was all in fun then but now that I understand more about creation and how the cosmos affects our energy field, I am drawn to be able to use it.

I will be looking into this and discussing it tonight on my free teleconference. If anyone wants to add to this and give me their intuitive hit or experience of how this is affecting them, I would love to hear it.