Wednesday, January 18, 2012

craigslist | about > SOPA

KEEP OUR INTERNET FREE...This is the simplest way to have your voice count and be heard.  Just Follow this link and join millions of like minded people and make a difference.

craigslist about > SOPA

This is one of the most important stances I have taken publicly. I have been sponsoring viewings the movie "Thrive" here in Atlanta, and continue to do so, as a means of 'waking up the World' to our own individual power. If you haven't yet seen this important movie about taking control of our lives back, Please visit my web site for future screening dates,  times and locations.  It is vital that we understand that we are powerful and that we are important and that our voice can be heard. We are the Teachers, Leaders and Healers we came here to be. Lets stand up and take our rightful place . Stand up and be seen.  .... IT  IS TIME!     

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