My name is Jody Robinson~Medlin and I am a Transformational Life Coach that teaches the nationally acclaimed Creating Your Personal Power Field workshop. Utilizing the Art of Mastering Alchemy I teach you tools that allow you to discover your authentic self so that you can start living the life you desire. This is done through weekend seminars, personal one-on-one coaching sessions, and via my FREE weekly teleconferences.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
What is happening to me and does the Full Moon/ Eclipse plays an important role
Have you felt out of sorts lately? Or as though you can't get a handle on the control of your life anymore? Well, You are right on schedule. The universe and your soul are working hand in hand to 'shake things loose' that have not been a part of your innate well being. It may feel as if it is the end of the world at times, but just pivot and know that the new energy cannot exist where you are holding onto the old. It is falling away at an accelerated rate and, I'm sure that it feels very scary, awkward and equally exciting all at the same time.
We know there is something pulling us up and out of these old patterns, sometimes we go kicking and screaming but when we do go, we look back and we can validate that it was the best thing we ever did. We find ourselves asking, why did I wait so long? How come I couldn't see it? and off we go, into the new. I have posted a few articles that will help support what we are feeling. I hope you enjoy this new energy. It can be wonderful, just simply let go....
From Spaceweather:
CME STRIKE: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on May 24th around 1800 UT. It was just a glancing blow. Nevertheless, the impact could spark polar geomagnetic storms in the hours ahead. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras shining through the bright moonlight on May 24-25. Dear
Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse is Friday, May 24, at 10:25 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is the third eclipse and bookend to this powerful and transformative time. It is difficult to predict what the fallout may be from what has been stirred up during this month but you can expect some big energy to be moving around. The potency of this time could trigger security issues, judgment and doubt. Hopefully you will have had synchronicity and signs during the month that will keep you focused positively on your newfound abilities to manifest. This full moon is a time to recommit to what you know in your heart to be true about what you want to manifest.
Keep in mind that every thought, intention, desire, doubt, emotion, reaction and action has been greatly magnified during this time. Most likely you have had to deal with an intensity level in your life that feels bigger than what you have had to deal with in the past. You are giving birth to a new self and the birth process is stretching you in ways that you have not experienced before. Think of yourself in training for the higher frequency and expansive energy emerging on the planet. It is always important that you take some time and be in gratitude for your ability to step up to what life is giving you as well as to take a breath and a break from it all when you need balance. And take care of the body in some way as the body struggles with new energies it does not understand. You may be experiencing aches and pains you never had before. Work with water, drink lots of it, immerse yourself in it and make sure you are getting enough minerals.
Written by Patricia Liles
Monday, May 20, 2013
Can I help you relieve anxiety?
Can I help you relieve anxiety? Have you ever wondered why you 'feel' the way you do? What triggers these feelings that we have? I speak often about 'choosing' how we feel. It's a 4-D concept/action. But do we know how to handle emotions that come over us, that we aren't choosing, like anxiety?
So I looked up anxiety in Wikipedia and was drawn to this particular definition: The philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, in The Concept of Anxiety, described anxiety or dread associated with the "dizziness of freedom" and suggested the possibility for positive resolution of anxiety through the self-conscious exercise of responsibility and choosing. I found this very interesting. Let's see if we can't make sense of this.
So here we are, we're in a transition, we know about the 'Law Of Attraction". It simply states "what we put our attention on, will manifest". But how do we deal with this stuff that comes up that we want to get rid of, but we don't want to put our attention on IT! In the past we have used talk therapy, we've tried working it out in our heads (usually to find who was really at fault), and all the gazillion variations of ways we mentally try to make ourselves feel better. Except that we now know that all that mental stuff will replicate through the law of attraction, we don't want because we're focusing on it.
Are you confused yet as to what can we do now, in this new understanding of energy and healing?
This is not about understanding the control or how we become controlled, that's another topic altogether . What it is about is understanding how to take our power back. How to separate 'who we are' from 'who we are not'. It's about remembering ourselves, the personality that We Are. Then how to let go of what we were taught and all the fear pictures of how we are not acceptable demonstrating our freedom.
This is creating extreme anxiety. It's the conflict between knowing what we want versus the perceived fear of what will happen to us if we demonstrate living in freedom can be paralyzing is . If we go for it, if we live that life or do the things that we want to do, what will we have to sacrifice, or how will we be punished. So how do we step out of the perceived fears, how do we overcome this powerful anxiety?
I believe the answer lies within creating "The Personal Power Field". Where you build the personality that you wish to become. Then you can Be the person that you wish you could be. It begins with allowing ourselves to creatively play within our own psyche. Some of us still don't have enough permission to think what it is that we want to think, let alone do what it is we want to do.
I would like to suggest a new way of living life. The way to remember who you innately are. Would you like become childlike, innocent, playful, joyful, and happy again, or for the first time. It is possible although there is some assembly required. This transformation can be the fun you've always dreamt of having, It's all in the way you choose to see it. I encourage you to look inside for your answers, and although you may feel anxiety, take that step towards freedom. Remember that anxiety is only perceived fear. That's actually the easiest to work with.
So empower yourself and join me in building your personal power field.
Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach
So I looked up anxiety in Wikipedia and was drawn to this particular definition: The philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, in The Concept of Anxiety, described anxiety or dread associated with the "dizziness of freedom" and suggested the possibility for positive resolution of anxiety through the self-conscious exercise of responsibility and choosing. I found this very interesting. Let's see if we can't make sense of this.
So here we are, we're in a transition, we know about the 'Law Of Attraction". It simply states "what we put our attention on, will manifest". But how do we deal with this stuff that comes up that we want to get rid of, but we don't want to put our attention on IT! In the past we have used talk therapy, we've tried working it out in our heads (usually to find who was really at fault), and all the gazillion variations of ways we mentally try to make ourselves feel better. Except that we now know that all that mental stuff will replicate through the law of attraction, we don't want because we're focusing on it.
Are you confused yet as to what can we do now, in this new understanding of energy and healing?
It's not a secret anymore that the third dimension is falling away. With this third dimension falling away, we are able to step into 4th dimensional space, which by definition is present moment and choice. It births the ability to experience personal freedom. Up until now we've only known about freedom, We haven't really experienced it fully. In this freedom we've developed a whole new array of challenges. Part of becoming the creators that we were meant to be is transitioning into creating something new. That is freedom. To choose because you want to, not because you're in survival, but because were in freedom.
So let me start by bringing your attention to a couple of concepts, we as human beings have been given what is known as free will. We have forgotten what that means. Free Will is the freedom to choose what it is that we wish to experience. When humanity fell from consciousness there were those who had the ability to guide the masses. All of these eons later, we are waking up from the murkiness. We are realizing that we are living by default and are only living learned behaviors taught to us simply by those who knew how to guide the consciousness of humanity. This is not about understanding the control or how we become controlled, that's another topic altogether . What it is about is understanding how to take our power back. How to separate 'who we are' from 'who we are not'. It's about remembering ourselves, the personality that We Are. Then how to let go of what we were taught and all the fear pictures of how we are not acceptable demonstrating our freedom.
This is creating extreme anxiety. It's the conflict between knowing what we want versus the perceived fear of what will happen to us if we demonstrate living in freedom can be paralyzing is . If we go for it, if we live that life or do the things that we want to do, what will we have to sacrifice, or how will we be punished. So how do we step out of the perceived fears, how do we overcome this powerful anxiety?
I believe the answer lies within creating "The Personal Power Field". Where you build the personality that you wish to become. Then you can Be the person that you wish you could be. It begins with allowing ourselves to creatively play within our own psyche. Some of us still don't have enough permission to think what it is that we want to think, let alone do what it is we want to do.
I would like to suggest a new way of living life. The way to remember who you innately are. Would you like become childlike, innocent, playful, joyful, and happy again, or for the first time. It is possible although there is some assembly required. This transformation can be the fun you've always dreamt of having, It's all in the way you choose to see it. I encourage you to look inside for your answers, and although you may feel anxiety, take that step towards freedom. Remember that anxiety is only perceived fear. That's actually the easiest to work with.
So empower yourself and join me in building your personal power field.
Jody Robinson
Transformational Life Coach
Monday, May 6, 2013
Free Weekly Teleconference "Creating your Personal Power Field"
Join me every Monday evening @ 9:00 pm EDT. sign up here
Tonight's free teleconference class topic.
Tonight's free teleconference class topic.
Powerful Energy Tools
"Creating Your
Personal Power field"
Are you still taking
things personally? Are you still greatly effected by other people's
influence? OR have you become capable of making decisions from your higher self
? What do you think it would be like to easily make life decisions based
on your best interest? Or better yet, live from the wisdom of your soul?
We are in this great shift
in consciousness. We're being called to clear all of 'who we are not'
(others expectations of who we are supposed to be), and to become 'who we are'
(our authentic Soul self ). We
are literally being pushed to release our baggage. The Solar flares, the
energy coming in from the central sun, The shifting of Earth's
electromagnetic field, all of this new energy is pushing against us helping us
release our old internal structure allowing us to change. Although this may
feel very uncomfortable at times (a lot of times actually) what it is doing is
in our best interest. It's time to work with this energy, to rebuild ourselves and
become who we came here to BE.
So join me again tonight,
and for the next few weeks, as I continue to share with you some
essential energy tools so you can easily manage your energy in this
new vibration.
YES! We ARE Creators! We
are POWERFUL CREATORS ! so let's begin to rebuild
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