Monday, May 6, 2013

Free Weekly Teleconference "Creating your Personal Power Field"

Join me every Monday evening @ 9:00 pm EDT. sign up here

Tonight's free teleconference class topic.

Powerful Energy Tools 

 "Creating Your Personal Power field"


Are you still taking things personally?  Are you still  greatly effected by other people's influence? OR have you become capable of making decisions from your higher self ? What do you think it would be like to easily make life decisions based on your best interest? Or better yet, live from the wisdom of your soul? 

We are in this great shift in consciousness. We're being called to clear all of  'who we are not' (others expectations of who we are supposed to be), and to become 'who we are' (our authentic Soul self ). We are literally being pushed to release our baggage.  The Solar flares, the energy coming in from the central sun, The  shifting of Earth's electromagnetic field, all of this new energy is pushing against us helping us release our old internal structure allowing us to change. Although this may feel very uncomfortable at times (a lot of times actually) what it is doing is in our best interest.  It's time to work with this energy, to rebuild ourselves and become who we came here to BE. 

So join me again tonight, and for the next few weeks,  as I continue to share with you some essential energy tools so you can easily manage your energy in this new vibration. 

 YES! We ARE Creators! We are POWERFUL CREATORS ! so let's begin to rebuild 


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