Monday, September 23, 2013

Understanding These Equinox Energies

Understanding These Equinox Energies
WOW! These Energies have been really powerful! 
  So, what happens when you mix the powerful equinox energies bringing you into balance with the shifts energies helping you to release your old baggage? 

Well, there are two answers to this question. The 1st answer is: It's a powerfully helpful time of accelerated release and growth that allows us opportunity to purge our lower vibration energy in order to make room for the higher vibrational energy  and cosmic light that is now coming onto the planet. Opening us up to receive and integrated this new vibration within us, allowing us to live in balance, freedom and ease.  

The 2nd answer is: A big chaotic emotional and/ or physical mess! Lots of old stuff showing up in our life and realistically it may show up as a very stressful and painful period of time for many of us. 

We are in The Equinox Energies on September 22, and we'll feel the effects a few day prior and a few days after this actual date.  The equinox is all about and end, the balance point, and then a new beginning. In the  physical earth sense, it's the same amount of light/darkness on this one day before it shifts again. In this side of the world, the U.S.,  we are going into fall and will now experience each day with more darkness (as the other side of the world is going into each day in more light). It is the earth energy of change that is felt in all of nature. The trees, the animals, the weather patterns, they all follow this energetic wave of change intuitively. No one teaches the trees to withdraw the chlorophyll that in turn changes the colors of the leaves. We just see beauty in the change. And,  there isn't a group of beings that are instructing the squirrels how to store nuts. You just see them busily doing their thing. You get the concept. It is the natural order of the shifting energies.

In addition, we already know, we are moving through this great shift in consciousness. The Shift is about becoming conscious, and about  the increase in our consciousness so we can hold higher vibrations like happy, joy, freedom (and so many more).  So here we have these pivotal points in time that are assisting us.  The Shift  is actually energetically shaking up the vibrations within each of us by the earth vibrating at a higher frequency. One of the laws of the universe is that a higher vibration will call forth and raise a lower vibration.  It is  so wonderful living in this higher state of well being!

What we don't always see is that sometimes the process  can feel really icky, especially if you don't know what's happening.  It just feels like your life is falling apart.  You don't have passion about what you use to any more, your realizing the world outside of you is changing beyond your control, trust issues are being challenged on all levels from family to government,  and the list goes on.  Do you remember what I keep saying, 'we can't take our baggage with us into the higher realms of consciousness'?    See, everything that is out of alignment is being amplified and is being shown to us. And at this point in time, it will feel bigger than life. 
Would you like to be able to re-balance and release this baggage, especially the stuff you thought was already resolved that keeps coming back up? Would you like to find relief from the stress you have been dealing with? Great! Then you're in the right place.  

Join me tonight for my free-teleconference and get a better understanding about how this energy is affecting you.  Then reach out and actually work with me to get into the energies and clear them out for good. The good news is that ascension and accelerated growth is very available to each and every one of us.  And... 'SOME ASSEMBLY  IS REQUIRED'. 

As always, I look forward to be of assistance to you  When you're ready for that assistance simply follow this link:

Jody Robinson-Medlin
Transformational Life Coach

Friday, September 20, 2013

GOOD NEWS! How can we become the solution? We can all think outside the box

As a transformational life coach I enjoy seeing the solutions that people are finding to keep them in 'WELL BEING'. Sometimes it take getting involved in what doesn't feel good to see our way into pivoting to what does feel good. The secret to this being a success is staying in the solution. Not to get caught up in the problem. Like so many of us in the Western World, we were brought up focusing on the problem and it takes re-learning how to change that pattern in order to  move into the field of possibilities to see and create solutions with constancy. Some call this simply the ability to think outside the box.
The life long benefits of  learning how to be an outside the box thinker is powerful. This lasting change can happen for you, as it has to start here, then for the world  as this new life force flows through you trickling in everything you do .

I invite you to take this opportunity to work with me to Create the life you desire and consistently live in Well Being, you will see the difference in how you feel immediately and permanently. You are always welcome to Join me on my free Monday night teleconferences and  now is the perfect time to take advantage of this special I am offering for one on one coaching. It is now time to step into who you are meant to be, allow me to assist.

Jody Robinson-Medlin
Transformational Life Coach

Follow the link below to hear about the positive changes that are already happening around the world!
Then join in, we can make the difference, we ARE making the difference.

Citizens Around the World Say NO to War on Syria 

and more....
Enjoy learning about what we can do!