Monday, February 20, 2012

Riding the Waves of Change

I have been talking about "The Shift", about solar flares, solar winds, solar storms , the electromagnetic field around the earth, how thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic, for what seems like years.  Why?  Because This electromagnetic field around us is the core foundation of our consciousness and as it changes, so do we.   We are all experiencing this great SHIFT in consciousness whether we are aware of it or not.  

 In my work as a coach, I see the patterns of energy that is being altered at various stages of this shift.  the most apparent aspects of this segment of the shift is that we are becoming the effect of our belief systems at an accelerated rate. Time is collapsing and the Law of attraction is quickening in the process. So what that means is that we are manifesting our thoughts faster.  

Are you ready to have all your thoughts become your reality instantly? Are you aware that your sub-consciousness thoughts are connected to your emotional body, and your emotional body is what has the power to manifest? It's not what you consciously think about. That's connected to the mental body and it has been taught to 'control' and manipulate and not trust and ...I think you get the message. We are at a point in our human evolution that we need to learn how to change our sub conscious beliefs. our world is rapidly changing as the disclosures are surfacing in order to purge the old destructive patterns from every aspect of our lives. We want our freedom, we demand our freedom and it begins with our individual responsibility to create for ourselves what we desire because we desire it. No longer do we want others to control us through fear and it starts by changing our belief systems, focusing on the sub-conscious beliefs that are connected to the lies and deceit of the old paradigm and transmuting them.

Join me, work with me, lets clear our space and make room for a new electromagnetic field to grow within us creating a new foundation of freedom and love. This Shift is helping us expand beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. It is bringing Hope to the planet in waves of light. It's time to master and ride these waves of change.  

It's simply NOW TIME. Wake up and become the creators of your own reality.

This was the topic of this weeks free teleconference. It's just an example of what I offer as a gift to all. Feel free to listen to the many archived weekly calls located in the archive teleconference section of my web site.

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