Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are you Finally ready to start living the Life you Desire?

Are you Finally ready to start living the Life you Desire? 

It's almost November of 2012 and we all know about energy and the great shift in consciousness that is taking place. We've been learning about it, reading about it, hearing channels explain it and we really think we understand it. We have picked up a few tools to help us cope with the disappearing third dimension and we've been practicing when it doesn't count. Well,  now it is beginning to count. So...

How masterful are you? 
How much are you actually practicing with the tools you have learned? 
How focused are your thoughts on what you want (as opposed to what you     don't want)?
How managed is your energy?
How well is it working for you? 

Relax, Sometime even if we know all this, we still need to be coached to get through the 'we don't know what we don't know' place and into the "I knew that, I just didn't know how to get there by myself''.  

Please join me as review a few tools and amplify our  energy field to be able to hold more of the light codes that are coming onto the planet in assistance of our evolution into the shift. 

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