Monday, April 21, 2014

Developing your clairvoiance? How do the X Class solar Flairs assist?

X-FLARE:  The magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2017 erupted yesterday, March 29th, producing an impulsive X1-class solar flare.  Ionizing radiation from the flare produced electrical currents in Earth's upper atmosphere and a ripple in Earth's magnetic field detected by magnetometers across the dayside of our planet.  Read more about this rare "magnetic crochet" and the possibility of more X-flares this weekend on today's edition of

Spaceweather is a great source to know when these energies are reflecting onto the earth. So why is it helpful to know about it? Put it this way, when I see that there is solar activity of this strength, I know to hold onto my butt an that we are in for an emotional ride. The energy that is being brought into the earths atmosphere is coded and raises the vibrational frequency of the earth. I can get really deep into this field to help you understand scientifically about the electromagnetic fields ( and for those who know me, I can)  but I would rather just leave it as, it simply shakes loose 'who we are not'. The real challenge is that we have to become 'WHO WE ARE' and that is difficult. After all, if we knew how to do it, we would be doing it already, and we wouldn't be  affected by the higher vibrating energies coming onto the planet. We would just stay happy.

So how does this affect our walking around space? Simply put,  is that we are being called to speak our truth, to live our truth and be honest with our self first and foremost. So why don't we?  in order to do that we need to hear our own truth or own inner voice. You know the littlest one that we know we should have listened to. How many times do you get to the other side of a situation that you just felt wasn't right and told yourself "I should have followed my feelings", or "I knew better, I should have listened to my self". This is called intuition, some call it clairvoyance , or clear hearing. 

Keep tuned to more blogs as I love to talk about how to use energy tools to raise our vibration in the flow of Mother Earth's influx of energy. It brings such ease in the evolution of humanity individually and collectively.

In- Joy your week.


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