Thursday, June 12, 2014

Full Moon and Friday the 13th! Can we use this powerful day to assist us in our spiritual growth?

This Month the full moon will be landing on Friday the 13th.  Are you superstitious? Are you curious? Are you afraid? Or maybe  your afraid of something other people have 'experienced' on this day?  As a social race of human beings, we are naturally empathetic. We all tend to take on other peoples experiences and blend them into our awareness and then actually feel them as our own. It's a simple thing that we all do without being consciously aware of it. But what are the sub conscious affects and how does that affect our lives now?

Do you remember how  the Law of Attraction works? It is simple: Ask and it is Given. We don't ask with words, we ask with our vibration. Our vibration is the feelings that we feel in relation to what we are thinking. so lets make this easy, if you are thinking that Friday the 13th will be a 'bad day', do you think the law of attraction will assist you in having a' bad day'? Or do you think the law of attraction will assist you in having a good day? You tell me what you think.

If you know me at all,  you will know that I am all about CHOOSING your thoughts. So take a moment and scan your consciousness to find the BS (belief system) that no longer fits and simply choose to let it go. Lets take this opportunity to release the 'stuck' superstition energy that we have been holding, examine it, maybe for the first time consciously,  and make a new agreement within our selves. Choose to be scared , realize its others beliefs, choose to be doesn't matter what you choose, It just matters that you are consciously making a choice what YOU wish to believe.

CONGRAGULATION! You are beginning to change your life! How easy it can be..

Just think, Friday the 13th can look like this: (fear based)
or it can look like this (love, or whatever YOU choose):
This is the beginning of Living The Life You Desire. We Understand how it works, then choose...
Enjoy this beautiful Full moon and this wonderful Friday the 13th. After all it is FRIDAY, have a great weekend.
Simple fact:  It's pretty rare for these two events to fall on the same day. The last time it happened was October 13, 2000. The next time will be August 13, 2049.

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